Date: 13/01/2023 08:30 PM

Fri, 13 Jan 2023, 8:30 PM
MoshPit Bar
Erskineville, Sydney, Australia
Event Info:
So, just who are the stars of our show? Mechanic by day, guitar slinger by night, Crank Williams (aka Jeff Pope) is one of life's great journeymen. You may recognise him from 90's cowpunk legends, Deadwood 76, garage punk reprobates the Dunhill Blues or his current role in legendary Sydney group, Spurs for Jesus. Patsy Decline (Louise Tegart) is not only Crank's musical soulmate but his partner in real life as well. They're here to lunch their debut concept album, Until We Darken Your Doorstep. The songs trawl the depths of murder, betrayal, love won, love lost and love on the run, sung by two partners in crime that are the loves of each other's lives.
Dave Favours & The Roadside Ashes have been loudly going about their business for over 6 years now. Their latest album, Cheap Motels After Midnight has receieved a wealth of critical acclaim since it's release in 2022 and the boys have done a heap of shows all over the country in support. A recent live review of the band said, "Dave Favours & The Roadside Ashes are unique in that they so effortlessly blend indie rock, alt country and ragged dusty pop to create their own jangly, roadside flavour. Fringe country with more than a tad of pop sensibility." We reckon that about sums it up.
Tall Squeeze is the new outfit for former Snowdroppers frontman, Jeremy Davidson aka Johnny Wishbone and they play punchy power pop. This is their debut performance, so get on on the ground floor.